News & Press Releases

calender Mon,13 May 2024

Jordan Commercial Bank Issues Its First Sustainability Report

Jordan Commercial Bank recently issued its Sustainability Report for the year 2022, which is the bank’s first sustainability report. The report was prepared in accordance with the standards set by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and in line with the growing global interest in sustainable development at the individual and community levels. The report also reflects the bank’s full commitment to the principles and standards of disclosing its environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices in general, in accordance with the rules issued by the Amman Stock Exchange in 2022.

The report highlights the efforts of the bank, which is one of the leading banks in providing banking services and an active and competitive member of the banking sector, to preserve and adhere to the “Sustainable Development Agenda for the year 2030”, which has been Adopted by most countries of the world, as its goals and objectives are considered a global document, whose goal is to preserve a more sustainable planet, more prosperous communities, and permanent economic growth.

The report also highlights the bank's directions for implementing sustainability practices in various environmental, social, financial and other aspects. The bank has been keen to support green growth, provide new and advanced services, stimulate innovation, empower women, develop employees, and increase health gains. In addition to the bank's directions towards achieving sustainability requirements, and adopting many initiatives that support these directions, such as initiatives to preserve the environment and reduce carbon emissions, grant many renewable energy loans, increase waste reduction and recycling efforts, the Green Caravan initiative, energy and resource efficiency measures, and others.

The bank has also carried out many activities that contribute to enhancing the well-being of employees within the bank and enhance their efficiency, with a focus on the measures taken by the bank in the field of women’s empowerment and reducing the gender gap between the sexes . A part of the report was also dedicated to lending, financing and responsible investment, where the report dealt with the size and number of loans granted to start-ups and small businesses, and the environmentally friendly loans granted by the bank. The report also showed that the proportion of the bank's dealings with local suppliers to its total dealings increased.

In his speech on the issue of the report, Chairman of the Board of Directors / His Excellency Mr. Michel Sayegh said: “Sustainability in Commercial Bank is not an emergency or an exceptional event, and its activities are not separate from the bank’s financial and banking operations and activities, but rather an integral part of our vision, mission and current methodology and future directions We have always strived, since the bank's establishment, to include many programs and initiatives in the bank's business and policies, believing in the importance of this aspect in achieving the well-being of individuals and societies, and preserving our natural resources and their sustainability. to serve present and future generations."

For his part, the General Manager / Mr. Caesar H.Qulajen commented, saying: “We are very happy to issue our first report, which reflects our continuous endeavour, hard work and future aspirations to advance this aspect. With everything the bank has done in this field, we are still at the beginning of the road, and there are still many challenges facing us in the field of sustainable development that require us to commit to making efforts and following practices that ensure its preservation, and make it part of our future strategy, and to be among our priorities, side by side with the bank’s financial and operational goals, in order to achieve a better tomorrow at the level of individuals and society.”